
PERL TUTORIALS - Perl References

Perl References


Create References:

$scalarref = \$foo;
$arrayref  = \@ARGV;
$hashref   = \%ENV;
$coderef   = \&handler;
$globref   = \*foo;


 $arrayref = [1, 2, ['a', 'b', 'c']];


$hashref = {
	'Adam'  => 'Eve',
	'Clyde' => 'Bonnie',

$coderef = sub { print "Boink!\n" };



$var = 10;

# Now $r has reference to $var scalar.
$r = \$var;

# Print value available at the location stored in $r.
print "Value of $var is : ", $$r, "\n";

@var = (1, 2, 3);
# Now $r has reference to @var array.
$r = \@var;
# Print values available at the location stored in $r.
print "Value of @var is : ",  @$r, "\n";

%var = ('key1' => 10, 'key2' => 20);
# Now $r has reference to %var hash.
$r = \%var;
# Print values available at the location stored in $r.
print "Value of %var is : ", %$r, "\n";


$var = 10;
$r = \$var;
print "Reference type in r : ", ref($r), "\n";

@var = (1, 2, 3);
$r = \@var;
print "Reference type in r : ", ref($r), "\n";

%var = ('key1' => 10, 'key2' => 20);
$r = \%var;
print "Reference type in r : ", ref($r), "\n";

Circular References


 my $foo = 100;
 $foo = \$foo;
 print "Value of foo is : ", $$foo, "\n";

References to Functions


# Function definition
sub PrintHash{
   my (%hash) = @_;
   foreach $item (%hash){
      print "Item : $item\n";
%hash = ('name' => 'Tom', 'age' => 19);

# Create a reference to above function.
$cref = \&PrintHash;

# Function call using reference.